Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mr. Sun Chanthy, SRP Cabinet staff and assistant to
President Sam Rainsy met SRP activits in Thailand
on March 29-30, 2010

Photo at Phathoon Thanee province, Thailand (March 30, 2010)
Mr. Sun Chanthy (R), standing with Mr. Preak Chea who was applying for asylum refugee seeking in Bangkok, Thailand. Preak Chea as well as other 3 families were facing arrest from Hun Sen's government because of they were protested against to the government on land grabbing in Kosh Kban Kandal commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province along the border with Vietnam on October 25, 2009.

Mr. Sun Chanthy (R), standing with Ms. Oum Sopy and husband with children
who were victims on land dispute in Kampong Chhnang province.
Photo in Thailand on 29 March 2010
. Sun Chanthy (R), sitting with Mr. Kong Kieat and wife who was victim on
fraud of 1018 form during the National Election 2008
Mr. Sun Chanthy standing with fresh corn at the market
in Thailand (Photo on 29 March 2010)

Mr. Sun Chanthy (L), Mr. Than Rithy (R)

Mr. Sun Chanthy (L), Mr. Mann Bun Than (R)
Mann Bunthan was a victim on land grabbing from Prah Vihear province

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