Monday, July 9, 2007

Land Dispute Unearths Tension

Cambodian Villagers Challenge Networks of Patronage

By Erika Kinetz
Special to the Washington Post
Wednesday, July 4, 2007; Page D01

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- His grandmother's bones went missing two years ago, not long after the rains stopped. "The grave is all rubber trees" now, said Sev Thveal, 23. Part of the Jarai minority, he can barely read and write and has worked the land so long that his toenails are a permanent shade of brown.

He and 11 villagers are alleging in court that a wealthy businesswoman named Keat Kolney, whose husband and brother are senior figures in the Cambodian government, has illegally taken land belonging to 70 rural families to make way for a rubber plantation.

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